Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Escalators and Elevators

It’s amazing how habits can become instinct.

Here I am at the midtown MARTA station; I exit the train and head the long way around just to take the escalator. Halfway there I realized that I made a promise to myself to take the steps, and at that moment I thought ‘well I will take the steps next time.’ A few seconds later, there I stood in front of a broken escalator looking up at the 20 or more steps and laughing at myself. 

At the very beginning of my journey I was ready to give up on a tiny little victory. I know had that escalator been up and running, I would have loathed myself by the end of that ride. Lucky for me reality was there waiting with a big slap in the face. Proving to me how out of shape I actually am cos’ I walked up those steps, and yes I was a tab bit out of breathe when I reached the top. It is a little sad, but I also did give birth to twins eight months ago. This is not an excuse, but it does make me feel a little better about it. ;)

I have learned that for me change works better if I do it a little bit at a time. To fail at something small is easier to come back from than failing at something big. I will be going for my first run on Nov. 29th and it should be quite interesting.  Running use to be my vice my addiction, now I am terrified of the thought. I do believe that it is more of the failure I am afraid of, and I do expect to drop the ball along the way. But for the past two years my life has been going steadily downhill, and this is an attempt to push it and the boulder size luggage that I carry back up that hill with me.

In a few months I hope to be writing about how running has become habit and instinct and no more fears will plague my heart. But for now I will learn the lessons in the tiny victories and little failures that I bump into on my way back up the hill.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

One year

One year.
So much can happen in one year. So much growth, change and life can happen in a year’s time.
A year ago I was suppose to run my first full marathon, but instead I was three months pregnant with twins. Now they are going on eight months old and yet another race is passing me by; literally.  Starting today I am doing something different with my Lionheart blog. I will now be keeping a daily log of my growth, triumphs, failures, and lessons learned for the next year. As I get ready to run the full Atlanta Marathon 2011. I will start off with little mini-goals. My first will be to train for a half marathon in April 2011 the ING. 
This will give me four months to whip myself into shape, while looking for a stable job, moving, and being a single mom.

Starting weight: (let’s just say I can’t fit into my favorite $200 pair of size two jeans)
·         I need to lose 20-35lbs
·         Starting off I need to go on a diet and cleanse my body before I even start working out. This will last two weeks.
                    Hello Ardens Garden, Grand Slams, and Pear juice
My diet will start off Pesco-vegetarian and light carbs. until I get into hard training. Then obviously I will be eating a lot of carbs and red-meat.
Vices (I need to lose)
·         Stress related smoking (I can’t run if I can’t breathe)
·         Drinking cola (also due to stress)
·         Binge eating (yes guilty)
·         Escalators and elevators when I can simply take the steps
·         Spending and entire day on the couch playing video games (so long black ops and reach)
Things I may keep/add: (personal)
·         My Mohawk (it makes me feel free)
·         More tattoos (of course)
·         And I really want more facial piercings
·         My Cobra Starship C.D ( haha)
·         My Motivation
·         My Celibacy (I am not letting another person hinder my goals)

So as of today, I am taking a step to accomplish a life- long dream of mine. My personal life consist of me and my little darlings.(and a few choice, close, near and dear friends) I am not attached and I am completely turned off by the idea of dating. So, I am my own cheerleader. My girls are my motivation. And my failures are what keep pushing me.
We will all see where this goes.
